WFM Weekly: A contractor’s guide to tech adoption

A Contractor’s Guide to Tech Adoption

Construction is Hard is back! Join Brian Witt, Gary Fuchs and special guest Toby Mitchell from Classic Electrical & Consulting for part one of their conversation about tech adoption. This season is all about “lumps of coal,” AKA actionable insights that can lead to better business outcomes.

Employee Bench

Scheduling is simple when you can see who’s available and when. With RIVET’s Employee Bench, you can quickly view your unscheduled workforce.

“Moving to RIVET has been pretty seamless.”

Adopting a new software platform can be daunting. To make it go smoothly, we ask lots of questions and stay in constant communication with our customers throughout the implementation process and beyond.

We’re hiring!

Know someone with a passion for construction Workforce Management? Send ’em our way – we’ve got a handful of job openings.

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